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What we do

All oil spill events are different. This is why we offer completely individual solutions to meet your specific requirements.

Training & Exercises – We design and deliver training and exercise programmes that develop true knowledge in participants. These programmes test your plan, your equipment, the capability of your response team and resources that are called upon during an incident.

Preparedness Reviews – Aligned to international approaches and taking into account regional and national considerations, we will review all aspects of your response capability with clear objective outputs.

Emergency Plan Writing – We can help you develop your plans into fit-for-purpose usable documents that you can count upon and use immediately.

Incident Support – Our proven track record and 20 plus years of experience in spill response is available to you. Deployment supervisor, spill surveillance, technical advisor or incident management support. In all areas, we have the knowledge and experience to assist.

  • Blue Petrel delivers IMO Senior Manager level training as integrated pollution preparedness measures to protect Saudi Arabia’s drinking water production plants along the Red Sea coast.

    The course was tailored the clients specific risks and equipment. Emphasising the clients preparedness measures and management of any oil pollution incident.

At Blue Petrel Consulting we strive to provide quality fit-for-purpose oil spill preparedness solutions, thereby enhancing your organisations ability to respond.
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Contact us today to find out how
we can help you.

Tel: +44 (0)1962 771376

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